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Professional Standards and Training Division

The Professional Standards Division focuses on the training, the integrity of department employees, policy development and maintenance, and ensures fair and equal treatment of all citizens and employees. The division is responsible for investigating allegations of employee misconduct and compliance with department policy and procedures.

>>>Download the >>>San Ramon Police Department Policy Manual<<<


The Training Unit is located within the Professional Standards Division and is responsible for the department’s training which includes all sworn and civilian personnel. It is also responsible for the coordination and planning of continuing professional training (CPT) for all police department staff. The Training Division fulfills an essential role in meeting State, Federal, City and Department training mandates and keeping the department well trained and up to date with the latest knowledge, skills and abilities.

Training – includes in-house training, specialized outside training, and department sponsored Commission of Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST) training. In addition to training, the department also provides sworn and civilian staff the opportunity to advance their skill and knowledge in many other areas.

Accreditation — ensures the SRPD maintains compliance with state law, accreditation standards set forth by POST, and adherence to departmental values.

One of the goals of the Training Division is to provide quality training within the department in order to ensure continuous improvement in the professional development of our employees, and to prepare them for any assignment or advancement within the department. Through participation in various training programs, employees continue to maintain awareness of the changing law enforcement practices and enhance their level of skill and knowledge.

It is the policy of the San Ramon Police Department to present the most current and comprehensive in-service, advanced and specialized training to all employees. This assures the needs of the department and the community we serve will be met at the highest level while increasing the productivity and effectiveness through increased job knowledge and skill. In order to ensure that our officers are performing essential job functions in an efficient and professional manner, they continuously attend updated training.